brown and white concrete building near body of water during daytime

The Global Liberty Institute (GLI) is an independent, international, nonā€partisan institute for researching policies that improve freedom on a global level and safeguard the free exchange of ideas.

We will focus on policy areas key to preserving liberty, including: economic policy; health care; media and technology; education and workforce skills; and entrepreneurship and innovation.

Our Approach:

  • Prioritize areas of policy research with impact on personal and economic freedom
  • Form a network of creative leaders to provide ideas for freedom where it has been lacking
  • Research all levels of policy (local, state, and federal) through regional chapters and the global hub
  • Educate the next generation of society’s rising leaders through our activities and programs
  • Leverage new technologies for dissemination of our research to the public

Ambassador Jacques Pitteloud
Invited Introductory Remarks

Global Liberty Institute
Opening Event
Zurich; March 29, 2022

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